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Summer Project: Save the Monarch Butterfly

There is just something magical about the monarch butterfly! Not only are they beautiful to watch as they sip nectar on a flower but they are important pollinators. They are also an important food source for birds, small animals, and other insects.

But did you know that monarch populations are plummeting? According to the Center for Biological Diversity, Eastern monarch populations have dropped 80% in the past two decades (and even more in the West). We are making their lives hard by:

  • destroying habitat
  • spraying pesticides
  • planting invasive tropical milkweeds
  • Ignoring climate change

How can YOU help save the monarch?

We have two special ways.  

  • Participate in an ongoing Community Science Project. Learn how to track monarchs, read maps, identify milkweed plants and more.
  • Start your own Milkweed Garden to help butterflies on their migration routes have places to stop, drink nectar, and go through their reproductive cycles.

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